6965 Piazza Grande Ave,
FL 32835
Piazza Grande Ave #310
At Piazza Grande, you enjoy all of the charms of one of the most elegant areas in Metro West at the building complex known as The Offices at Veranda Park.
Near facilities such as supermarkets, fitness centers, restaurants, stores, schools, and daycare centers, it is the ideal place for those who seek formality without giving up the tranquility.
At the unit, you will find solutions for both your daily work routine and important meetings in 17 office suites with private access and 1 conference room for up to 12 participants. The services can be hired on a monthly basis or on-demand.
Broker or Owner Contact
Work Space
Easy Work Space
Phone: 4074367575
ED Contact
Orlando Utilities Commission
100 W Anderson St
Phone: (407) 423-9100
Property ID |
7ac15cae-c14c-40b2-9b18-19a497c30213 |
Building Size |
Site Size (acres) |
Zoning |
Year Built |
Number of Drive-In Doors |
Number of Dock-In Doors |
Clearance Height |
Drive-in Doors |
no |
Sprinklered |
no |
Parking Ratio |
0 |
Updated |
Number of Parking Spaces |
Parking |
no |
For Sale |
no |
Sale Price |
0 |
For Lease |
yes |
Lease Type |
Lease Cost |
0 |
Geographic and Infrastructure
Latitude |
28.5167845 |
Longitude |
-81.4816402 |
County |
Orange County |
Rail Access |
no |
Service to Property |
no |
Electric Provider |
Gas On Site |
no |
Gas Provider |
Water On Site |
no |
Water Provider |
Fiber Optics |
no |
Telecom on Site |
no |
Sewer On Site |
no |
Sewer provider |
Unused Data Points
status |
active |
businesspark |
buildingtypes |
contiguous |
divisiblefrom |
saleprice |
pricepersf |
dockhigh |
divisible |
loadbearing |
multitenant |
shovelready |
landtypes |
ownership |
networked |
phase1 |
airportzone |
revitalizationarea |
tif |
enterprisezone |
floodplain |
created |
updatedby |
custom1 |
custom2 |
custom3 |
custom4 |
custom5 |
custom6 |
custom7 |
custom8 |
custom9 |
custom10 |
custom11 |
custom12 |
custom13 |
custom14 |
custom15 |
custom16 |
custom17 |
custom18 |
custom19 |
custom20 |
thumbnail |
https://storage.googleapis.com/simplifi-dev/images/7ac15cae/6965-piazza-grande-ave-13850bad-thumb.jpg |
image1 |
https://storage.googleapis.com/simplifi-dev/images/7ac15cae/6965-piazza-grande-ave-13850bad.jpg |
image2 |
image3 |
image4 |
download1 |
download2 |
download3 |
download4 |
cranes |
maxcontig |
buildableacres |
callCenter |
columnSpacing |
dataCenter |
heatType |
septicOnSite |
sprinklerType |
topography |
warehouseSF |
wetlands |
addlacreageavail |
airconditioned |
electricamps |
rentalrateannual |
baylength |
baywidth |
expansiondate |
dslavailable |
officeareasf |
pricenegotiable |
sewermainsize |
heated |
salepriceunits |
watermainsize |
electricvolts |
expandableYesNo |
floorThickness |
gaspsi |
gasmainsize |
electricPhase |
cranesUnderHook |
refrigeratedSF |
docksLevel |
isContiguous |
overrideimport |
createdBy |
description_lower_first |