2295 S Hiawassee Rd,
FL 32835
Hiawassee Rd #104
This unit is located in the most elegant area of Metro West, in a complex of buildings known as The Offices at Veranda Park. Our offices are close to supermarkets, gym, banks, shops, restaurants, schools and daycare.
Hiawassee Rd #205
This unit is located in the most elegant area of Metro West, in a complex of buildings known as The Offices at Veranda Park. Our offices are close to supermarkets, gym, banks, shops, restaurants, schools and daycare.
Broker or Owner Contact
Work Space
Easy Work Space
Phone: 4074367575
ED Contact
Orlando Utilities Commission
100 W Anderson St
Phone: (407) 423-9100
Property ID |
19ee0798-58ef-4584-898f-b18213e7563d |
Building Size |
Site Size (acres) |
Zoning |
Year Built |
Number of Drive-In Doors |
Number of Dock-In Doors |
Clearance Height |
Drive-in Doors |
no |
Sprinklered |
no |
Parking Ratio |
0 |
Updated |
Number of Parking Spaces |
Parking |
no |
For Sale |
no |
Sale Price |
0 |
For Lease |
yes |
Lease Type |
Lease Cost |
0 |
Geographic and Infrastructure
Latitude |
28.5178688 |
Longitude |
-81.4817046 |
County |
Orange County |
Rail Access |
no |
Service to Property |
no |
Electric Provider |
Gas On Site |
no |
Gas Provider |
Water On Site |
no |
Water Provider |
Fiber Optics |
no |
Telecom on Site |
no |
Sewer On Site |
no |
Sewer provider |
Unused Data Points
status |
active |
businesspark |
buildingtypes |
contiguous |
divisiblefrom |
saleprice |
pricepersf |
dockhigh |
divisible |
loadbearing |
multitenant |
shovelready |
landtypes |
ownership |
networked |
phase1 |
airportzone |
revitalizationarea |
tif |
enterprisezone |
floodplain |
created |
updatedby |
custom1 |
custom2 |
custom3 |
custom4 |
custom5 |
custom6 |
custom7 |
custom8 |
custom9 |
custom10 |
custom11 |
custom12 |
custom13 |
custom14 |
custom15 |
custom16 |
custom17 |
custom18 |
custom19 |
custom20 |
thumbnail |
https://storage.googleapis.com/simplifi-dev/images/19ee0798/2295-s-hiawassee-rd-a6dde90d-thumb.jpg |
image1 |
https://storage.googleapis.com/simplifi-dev/images/19ee0798/2295-s-hiawassee-rd-a6dde90d.jpg |
image2 |
image3 |
image4 |
download1 |
download2 |
download3 |
download4 |
cranes |
maxcontig |
buildableacres |
callCenter |
columnSpacing |
dataCenter |
heatType |
septicOnSite |
sprinklerType |
topography |
warehouseSF |
wetlands |
addlacreageavail |
airconditioned |
electricamps |
rentalrateannual |
baylength |
baywidth |
expansiondate |
dslavailable |
officeareasf |
pricenegotiable |
sewermainsize |
heated |
salepriceunits |
watermainsize |
electricvolts |
expandableYesNo |
floorThickness |
gaspsi |
gasmainsize |
electricPhase |
cranesUnderHook |
refrigeratedSF |
docksLevel |
isContiguous |
overrideimport |
createdBy |
description_lower_first |