4711 Curry Ford Rd
4711 Curry Ford Rd,
FL 32812
With a lack of medical facilities for sale in Orlando and high barriers to entry due to lack of infill sites and ever-increasing construction costs, 4711 Curry Ford Rd offers a unique opportunity for a medical practice to purchase a well-located asset at under replacement cost. Although 100% occupied presently, existing leases permit termination within six (6) months of a closing. This will allow a new owners practice to occupy from 4,200 SF to 6,000 SF of the building for their own needs. Dover Shores Medical Center is located at 4711 Curry Ford Road, in the Dover Shores neighborhood of Orlando, Florida. Positioned in a mixed residential and commercial area, the medical center is easily accessible via major local roads, including Curry Ford Road, which connects the facility to various parts of the city. The center is surrounded by nearby businesses, parks, and community amenities, providing convenience for local residents. The area has a suburban feel, with tree-lined streets, and is located a short drive from downtown Orlando, making it a central location for medical services.
Broker or Owner Contact
Lee & Associates
Phone: 4076940283
ED Contact
Orlando Utilities Commission
100 W Anderson St
Phone: (407) 423-9100
Property ID |
079f93fd-2d2a-4578-9e5f-e0610924ef36 |
Building Size |
8418 |
Site Size (acres) |
Zoning |
Year Built |
1965 |
Number of Drive-In Doors |
Number of Dock-In Doors |
Clearance Height |
Drive-in Doors |
no |
Sprinklered |
no |
Parking Ratio |
0 |
Updated |
Number of Parking Spaces |
Parking |
no |
For Sale |
yes |
Sale Price |
0 |
For Lease |
no |
Lease Type |
Lease Cost |
0 |
Geographic and Infrastructure
Latitude |
28.5248018 |
Longitude |
-81.3276933 |
County |
Orange County |
Rail Access |
no |
Service to Property |
no |
Electric Provider |
Gas On Site |
no |
Gas Provider |
Water On Site |
no |
Water Provider |
Fiber Optics |
no |
Telecom on Site |
no |
Sewer On Site |
no |
Sewer provider |
Unused Data Points
status |
active |
businesspark |
buildingtypes |
B |
contiguous |
divisiblefrom |
saleprice |
pricepersf |
dockhigh |
divisible |
loadbearing |
multitenant |
shovelready |
landtypes |
ownership |
networked |
phase1 |
airportzone |
revitalizationarea |
tif |
enterprisezone |
floodplain |
created |
updatedby |
custom1 |
custom2 |
custom3 |
custom4 |
custom5 |
custom6 |
custom7 |
custom8 |
custom9 |
custom10 |
custom11 |
custom12 |
custom13 |
custom14 |
custom15 |
custom16 |
custom17 |
custom18 |
custom19 |
custom20 |
thumbnail |
https://storage.googleapis.com/simplifi-dev/images/079f93fd/4711-curry-ford-rd-3d2d4121-thumb.jpg |
image1 |
https://storage.googleapis.com/simplifi-dev/images/079f93fd/4711-curry-ford-rd-3d2d4121.jpg |
image2 |
https://storage.googleapis.com/simplifi-dev/images/079f93fd/4711-curry-ford-rd-29825ecf.jpg |
image3 |
image4 |
download1 |
download2 |
download3 |
download4 |
cranes |
maxcontig |
buildableacres |
callCenter |
columnSpacing |
dataCenter |
heatType |
septicOnSite |
sprinklerType |
topography |
warehouseSF |
wetlands |
addlacreageavail |
airconditioned |
electricamps |
rentalrateannual |
baylength |
baywidth |
expansiondate |
dslavailable |
officeareasf |
pricenegotiable |
sewermainsize |
heated |
salepriceunits |
watermainsize |
electricvolts |
expandableYesNo |
floorThickness |
gaspsi |
gasmainsize |
electricPhase |
cranesUnderHook |
refrigeratedSF |
docksLevel |
isContiguous |
overrideimport |
createdBy |
description_lower_first |